Times given in the Events section are approximate and include anticipated travelling time.
Most train journey times to our starting points are less than one hour.
Most of our events require three to four hours of walking.
Cancellation of Events
We will endeavour to inform you of an event cancellation as soon as possible, and if due to weather, at the latest by 2300 on the previous evening, using the email address you provided on registration. You are responsible for checking for messages. Should there be a Whatsapp group for participants of that event we try to post a message on there too.
Train Cancellations
Our railways are unreliable. In the event that the chosen outbound train service is cancelled we will try to readjust the timings, if feasible, either by shortening the walk or delaying the meeting time to accommodate a later train arrival. We will use WhatsApp to communicate last minute information if that event has as group.
Emergency / Last minute Communication
Your guides will be travelling to the meeting point by car and will likely be unable to answer individual calls or messages while driving. This may mean a period of around one hour when you cannot reach us.
Late Arrival
If you miss the scheduled meeting time we will not usually be able to delay the start of the walk nor change its route to accommodate your late arrival.
Tickets and Trains
Do not buy your rail ticket until the day of travel.
If the event is cancelled you will not get a refund.
Many of our destinations have a train service only once per hour. Ticket prices are the same for most destinations whether you start from Oxford Road or Piccadilly stations. Allow plenty of time to navigate Piccadilly station if you have to change trains there, as arrivals from Oxford Road come in to a different part of the station.
Trains times and fares can be searched conveniently on www.thetrainline.com but tickets from here incur a booking fee. Buying directly from the train service provider avoids the fee.
Clicking ‘changes’ under the displayed searched journey times on thetrainline.com will show you the train company and intermediate stops. Many of our routes use www.northernrailway.com.
Tickets are generally cheapest if purchased for specific train journeys. We always aim to return to the station for the planned return time. Buying an ‘anytime day return’ or ‘off peak day return’, if valid for the planned journey, may avoid having to buy another ticket if we miss the return train.
You can reduce the cost of train tickets with a ’16 – 25 Railcard’ https://www.railcard.co.uk
Walk Description
A detailed description of the walk and travel arrangements will be sent individually to participants who register using the RSVP form on the Events page.
Level of Difficulty
These are not strenuous hikes (try the University Hiking Club for that) but a moderate degree of fitness is required for walking for three to four hours with some modest ascents.
Ground Conditions
Wherever possible we aim to avoid walking along tarmac roads. The paths we use may be surfaced in places but many require walking through vegetation or over rough or stony ground. On some walks at times you may need both hands free, so bring your stuff in a back-pack.
You need appropriate footwear which you must expect will get muddy and probably wet. Wet mud will often permanently stain (and ruin) soft light-coloured shoe materials. Walking boots are strongly recommended (but not essential). We will not change the route just for you if you turn up with unsuitable footwear. Local suppliers of inexpensive outdoor footwear include specialist shops (such as https://www.cotswoldoutdoor.com, https://www.decathlon.co.uk, https://www.gooutdoors.co.uk) but special offers are sometimes to be found in supermarkets like Lidl and Aldi.
The ‘rainy season’ in the UK lasts twelve months. Paths are often wet and muddy. Many of our walks include sections which may be muddy even in dry weather.
In winter the temperature in Manchester city centre is often 5C higher than the surrounding countryside and walking in upland areas adds additional exposure to ‘wind chill’ . You will need a waterproof jacket for rain and wind protection and usually warm clothing including a hat and gloves in winter.
Public toilets have become very rare in the UK. Most of our arrival stations have no toilet. Please use the facilities on the train.
Most walking routes do not have shops or anywhere to buy refreshments. Bring with you water and whatever you need for the anticipated duration.